Tuesday 17 September 2013

Diesel Engine Technical details:

The design of Diesel engine is mostly alike the one of the petrol engine – both have pistons, cylinders, valves. But the ignition system in Diesel engines is lack in principle. Instead of the usual spark in Diesel engines the fuel-air mixture is ignited by high temperature of the compressed air. Let’s review the Diesel engine operating principle.

The Diesel engine operating scheme
1-th stroke. The piston is moving down till lower dead point and the fresh air is blown from intake valve.

2-th stroke. The piston is moving up till upper dead point and the air in the cylinder is compressed multiple times (14 up to 25) and its temperature raises up to 700-800 C.

3-th stroke. At the moment the pistol reaches the upper dead point the fuel is injected into cylinder. Combustion act. The fuel-air mixture is expands and the piston is going down.

4-th stroke. The piston is going down, and gases are exhausted throw the open exhaust valve.

The fuel in the cylinder ignites with rapid pressure jump that makes the engine to work noisy and with vibration. To preserve the operation safety on the required level the Diesel engine is designed much more durable than the petrol engine. More durability assumes more heavy-weighted.

The fuel supply system of Diesel engine also differs from the petrol-powered engine. The first thing to say it is more complicated. The fuel in the combustion chamber should be injected under high pressure and it is very minor in volume. The engine is controlled by the electronic unit, which controls the fuel pump and the injector according to data get from sensors. That kind of design makes the engine much more expensive.

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